
5 Ideas for your Next Module

Looking for inspiration? We've got your covered!

Friday, June 07, 2024


Perhaps the biggest challenge you’ll face when working with Thunkable Modules is deciding what what to build in the first place. In this article we’ll run through five popular ideas you can start building today.

1. Custom Form Elements

Creating complex forms with various input fields like text inputs, dropdowns, checkboxes, and sliders can be time-consuming. By using Thunkable Modules, you can build these elements once as a module and reuse them across different forms or screens in your app. This not only ensures consistency but also speeds up the development process.

2. Reusable Navigation Components

Navigation bars and menus are common elements in mobile apps. With Thunkable Modules, you can design a navigation bar or menu once and reuse it throughout your app. This is particularly useful for maintaining a consistent user experience and simplifying updates to the navigation structure.

3. Standardized Notification System

Creating a notification system that can be triggered from various parts of your app can be challenging. By modularizing the notification logic, you can easily reuse the notification component across different screens, ensuring a unified approach to displaying alerts, messages, or updates to users.

4. Custom User Profiles

User profile components often include elements like profile pictures, bio sections, and activity logs. Using Thunkable Modules, you can create a standard profile module that can be reused and customized for different user types within your app. This approach ensures consistency and simplifies the process of updating profile layouts or functionalities.

5. Interactive Tutorials and Onboarding

Onboarding screens and interactive tutorials help new users understand how to use your app. By creating these tutorials as modules, you can easily integrate them into various parts of your app, customize them for different user journeys, and update them without having to make changes in multiple places.

By leveraging Thunkable Modules in these scenarios, developers can build more maintainable, scalable, and consistent applications, significantly improving the development workflow and user experience. Combined our team has over 10 years experience building apps on Thunkable - if you’d like support with your next module project then let us know today.